On 15 Oct 2019, YPPH were notified by Prosper (one of the main buyers of fresh fruit bunches from YPPH) that the YPPH development in Pekan was not in line with Prosper’s No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy and indicated that YPPH needed to take action to address the concerns.
November 2019- June 2020 – periodic communication between Prosper and YPPH on compliance with Prosper’s NDPE commitments.
Based on further discussion with Prosper, YPPH incorporated NDPE elements into a revised sustainability policy which was adopted by the YPPH board on 17 August 2020. The Policy was presented to Prosper on 24 August 2020.
On 7 September 2020, YPPH attended a meeting at the office of Prosper, which involved supply chain partners – Prosper, Sime Darby, and Bunge as well as some other companies from Pahang. Prosper shared its experience on the process of engagement leading to recovery plan. Thereafter, they were also introduced to Prosper’s recovery project partner, Global Environment Centre (GEC), to explain on some possible options for recovery plan. Positive feedbacks are given by all parties and they have scheduled a follow-up meeting with GEC by the end of the month.
On 18 September 2020, YPPH informed Prosper of their commitment to Prosper’s NDPE policy with immediate moratorium on new land development. A stop work order was also issued on the remaining 790ha unplanted area of the new development namely Ladang Pekan Timur and Ladang Pekan Barat.
On 21-22 September 2020, YPPH invited GEC for a follow up discussion at its office in Kuantan followed by a field visit to YPPH’s Pekan Timur, Pekan Barat and Bebar Utara Estates. Subsequently GEC developed and presented to YPPH in October 2020 a proposal for a Recovery Project to cover an area of intact and degraded forests and peatlands in a portion of Pekan Forest Reserve and its buffer zone nearby the YPPH estates.
In October and November 2020, YPPH initiated measures in the proposed Recovery Project landscape to block abandoned logging canals in the buffer zone between its plantation and the forest reserve to reduce fire risk and support peatland rewetting and rehabilitation.
In December 2020, GEC undertook a specific assessment of the changes over the past 20 years of the vegetation and land use in the 790ha of unplanted area in the new development area. The study confirmed that the area was severely degraded after having been logged, drained and repeatedly burnt over a period of 25 years. It had also been partly cleared and drained by YPPH after the oil palm project EIA report was approved in 2018, before the stop work order. The area is severely degraded and vegetated with alien invasive tree species and cannot be restored to viable peat swamp forest. This was presented to YPPH and stakeholders in January 2021 and agreement reached to expand the proposed Recovery Project area to offset the 790ha.
YPPH formally appointed GEC in January 2021 to facilitate an initial three year phase of the Recovery Project to cover an area of 4,800ha to offset the impact of the Pekan Timur and Pekan Barat Estates (including the 790ha area).
On 23 February 2021, GEC signed an MOU with the Pahang State Government to support conservation of forest and peatlands in Pahang State including the establishment of recovery projects in the Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape (SEPPL). This was followed by a Kick-off meeting on the same day at YPPH to finalise a Joint Statement and initiate the Recovery Project. On 24 February joint site visits to the Recovery Project area were undertaken with GEC, YPPH and the Pahang State Forestry Department.
25 February 2021, implementation of the Recovery Project initiated with stakeholder consultations and surveys started.
March 2021, further work to enhance peatland rewetting, water management and fire prevention in and around YPPH Pekan Timur and Pekan Barat Estates and the Recovery Project area. Recommencement of land preparation in the 790ha unplanted area, which was already drained and partly cleared in 2018.
In April 2021, GEC established an office in Pekan to enhance its support for the Recovery Project.
22 April 2021 – Stop of re-clearing activities in 790ha (following communication from Prosper – as a result of issues raised by selected stakeholders) to enable review and clarification of YPPH’s Sustainability Policy as well as effective communication on the Recovery Plan with stakeholders.