UPDATE NO. 3/2021
Project Scope: YP Plantation Holdings (YPPH) has developed a Recovery Project with support of the Global Environment Centre (GEC) to offset the impact of its oil palm plantations developed on peat in Pekan District of Pahang State. The Recovery Project is co-implemented by YPPH and GEC to rehabilitate degraded forest and peatland areas and protect the remaining peat swamp forest ecosystem in the area covering a targeted 4,800 hectare1 (ha)
Activities undertaken during period October – December 2021
This report summarises some of the significant activities undertaken during period of October to December 2021 to implement the Recovery Project. The activities include: drone and hydrology survey, vegetation assessment on forest buffer zone, peat depth, piezometers and water level markers installation and welfare aid.
I. Drone & hydrology survey
Aerial view pictures and hydrological information for the proposed project area have been collected and completed during reporting period. It includes existing forest cover, regenerated vegetation area at buffer area, existing vegetation at degraded area and hydrology flow. This information will serve as baseline information and become the first reference for future analysis, reporting and monitoring changes of the proposed project area. This survey was conducted on 25-28 September and continued on 25-29 October 2021.
II. Peat depth measurement and piezometers and water level markers installation
As follow-up on the training session for new SOPs conducted in September, an on-site practical training was conducted on 25-29 October to measure peat depth and install a 2-in-1 piezometer and subsidence pole, and water level marker within the proposed project area. The team managed to install 3 piezometers and 5 water level markers at selected areas for monitoring purposes. It is planned to install more than 30 monitoring points in 2022 after approval is secured from relevant agencies.
III. Vegetation assessment on forest buffer zone
8 sampling plots were established on 4-21 November 2021 across the area comprising 3 different pre-identified vegetation status namely severely degraded, regenerated and logged-over forest buffer zone. The objective of this study is to assess vegetation type, status and its extent in year 1 of the project to set as baseline information, the findings will be recorded in maps for future reference.
IV. Welfare aid during monsoon season
As part of social responsibility for the Orang Asli community living near the project area, a welfare aid programme was organised in Kg. Meranti and Kg. Landai on 24 December 2021; 20 identified families affected by monsoon season benefited in this programme. Active communication, information sharing with community, JPKK and JAKOA will continue to ensure the welfare of the community is always taken care of.
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